Thanks to money from Five Ways to Wellbeing we were able to introduce our Poetry Buzz workshops. These were fun and interactive and everyone was brave enough to share their work and supportive and encouraging to each other. Many were surprised at their poetic achievements. The project won most innovative project at the Voluntary Sector Awards in 2018
Thanks to Derbyshire Voluntary Action – Small Grants Scheme we were able to secure money to continue these workshops.
We meet every month at Loundsley Green Community Centre, Cuttholme Road, Loundsley Green, Chesterfield S40 4QU from 1.45pm – 4.00pm.
The themes this year relate to our memories

February – Wednesday 26th – A stitch in Time
March – Wednesday 25th – Food Glorious Food
April – Wednesday 29th- Sugar and Spice
May/June – Wednesday 3rd June – Buses, Trains and Automobilies
July – Wednesday 22nd – Rummage in the Toy Box
August – Wednesday 26th – On the Screen
September – Wednesday 30th – All dolled up
October – Wednesday 28th – Keeping it Clean
November – Wednesday 25th – Christmas Past
The feedback was all very positive.
The following question was asked “Three words that sum up how the Poetry Buzz has made you feel”
“Happy, Uplifted, Relaxed”
“Inspired, Happy, Joyful”
“Positive, Fun, Encouraged.”